
Welcome to Get Online Whitley & Whitley Wood, South Reading’s digital inclusion project.
Whitley was awarded funding from ‘Your Community, Your Cash’ to set up a digital inclusion project for South Reading.

A partnership was formed between local residents, Reading Borough Council (Older persons services and Whitley Library), Reading Voluntary Action, and the Whitley Community Development Association. The money was used to purchase laptops and printers that can be shared between different locations and community groups in Whitley.

Local volunteers are always on hand at the sessions to support people with all their computing questions, from using email to getting the computer to read out the text for people struggling to read the screen.

If you’ve ever wondered what all the fuss about computers is about, or wished that you could make better use of your smartphone or laptop then please come along to one of our friendly sessions. No experience necessary!

Our expert volunteers will work with you individually and answer all your questions. Find out you how to get the most out of the internet for you!

We can also offer telephone support if you are unable to attend one of our drop-in sessions. If you would like help please call us on 0118 334 1095 – please leave your details and one of our team will call you back.