New Monday sessions at the Whitley Community Cafe

Get Online is introducing two new monthly sessions in October and November 2018 – one of these is at Whitley Community Cafe on the first Monday. There is also a new session in Dee Park – see for details.

The first session will be on Monday 5 November, 10.30am-12.00pm, Whitley Community Cafe, 252 Northumberland Avenue, Reading RG2 7QA (next to the South Reading Community Centre and new library). We’ll be there alongside Communicare, who can provide advice on benefits, housing and many other essentials.

Just come along and ask for help – we can provide a laptop to use or you can bring your own laptop, smartphone or tablet and we’ll show you how to get more from it. Free high-speed wi-fi is also available at the cafe. And don’t forget to mention the sessions to friends and family that aren’t yet online!

We are now at the Whitley Wood Community Centre!

It’s taken a while – but the Whitley Wood Community Centre’s new wifi is finally up and running and we’re ready to start computer sessions there!

We’ll be there on Wednesday mornings from 10.00 to 11.00, working alongside the Over 50s Club – join us from 10.00 to get help with computers, smartphones and tablets before the main club activities start. You can bring your own device to use on the wifi or we can provide laptops and tablets for you to try. Just turn up and ask – we’ll be delighted to help you!

The first sessions will be on Wednesday 17 May at 10.00 – we’ll hold sessions once or twice a month after that depending on the demand. We look forward to seeing you there!

New sessions at Whitley Library

The restructuring of the council’s budget for 2017-18 has necessitated changes for library opening hours across Reading.

Whitley Library is also closed on Mondays now, and our sessions will move to the third Thursday morning of the month, 2.00 – 4.00pm. Please call in or phone the library on 0118 937 5117 to book your place – the first sessions will be on Thursday 18 May and Thursday 15 June.

Reading’s Central Library now opens later, at 10am, but otherwise hours are the same as before and all our sessions there are unchanged. And don’t forget our other regular sessions in the Whitley area – at the Three Cooks lunch club in Cintra Park and the Whitley Community CafĂ© on Tuesday mornings. See our calendar for details.

We look forward to seeing you!